We’re getting a Guinness record

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Idea of ​​beating Guinness Record

The WOŚP Foundation has implemented the educational program „Saving and Learning to Save”, thanks to which Poland is the first country in the world to introduce basic life-saving activities to primary schools. Another challenge is the European Day of Restoration of the Heart. On this occasion, the WOŚP organizes a record in the simultaneous conduct of cardiopulmonary resuscitation by as many people as possible. The aim of the event is to promote first aid science throughout Poland.

Previous editions

In 2013 the participants of the action were 83 111 people from 1132 institutions! 67,396 people. By contrast, in 2015, it managed to establish a new Record of 92 049 people from 980 institutions that used 5,411 phantoms. The Poles have shown that they can provide first aid. We are curious how it will be this year, so we will take part in it ourselves.

We’re getting a Guinness Record in Office Support

Beating the Guinness Record while conducting resuscitation is a nationwide event. On October 17, 2016, with the help of Pich-Med we were able to refresh our knowledge of first aid and take part in the action *. From 12:00 to 12:30 pm with the majority of Office Support staff #beatingguinnessrecord.



* Participation in the WOŚP action fits into the Company’s goals for 2016. Our goal is an ethical company sensitive to the needs and challenges of man and his environment in relation to regional and global communities.

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